Graphic Design • Layout • Editorial • Creative Writing
This was a very personal project in which I curated, wrote, and designed the majority of the content. I wanted to be able to materialize my memories into something tangible that I could carry with me and always be able to edit and add to. I've never really kept a journal, so this is my way of doing that. This was very experimental in terms of the design, I just made it as messy as my memory is. I wrote about my favorite celebrities as a child, some memories, and some poetry as well. This book offers a little bit of everything and a peek into my past.
These are some of my favorite spreads from the book. I scanned in old photos, writings, and lyrics and warped them to create a glitchy effect, experimenting as I went along. This is not a traditional layout as I wanted to push the boundaries of what book design could be. I basically wrote what popped up in my mind at the time and the memories strongly associated with my childhood.